Comparison of Tractive, Petfon and Aorkuler when walking dogs


Walking the dog is the most comfortable and daily thing we can do with our dogs. We and our dogs enjoy each other's company for a good time. There are times when we leave our dogs off leash for those well-trained furry friends, but it is often wiser and more reassuring to have a tracker at this time.

Today we'll take a brief look at the big difference in the little matter of walking your dog with a different tracker. We chose 2 representative products, plus Aorkuler, for a side-by-side comparison of the three products for the small daily task of walking your dog.

As the top selling product that requires a monthly fee, tractive, and Petfon, which also does not require a monthly fee.


First of all, we know that some trackers need to rely on cell phone signals, and walking the dog should not be limited to places with strong mobile signals, so it would be sad if the choice of area to walk the dog was not even free.

 The Tractive relies on the cellular network to transmit the data from the tracker to the app. If there is no cellular signal or a weak signal in your area, you cannot use Tractive to track your dog.

 If you use Aorkuler, you don't have to think about cell phone signal and you can explore freely with your dog only if it is an area where GPS works properly. Because Aorkuler doesn't depend on cell phone network for its work, it doesn't require you to pay a monthly fee either.


Secondly, the core of going on a dog walk is that parents and dogs go out together, but we still need to be prepared for other things.

 Mobile phone is needed if you use tractive when walking your dog. However, if your phone runs out of battery, you will not be able to use the tractive GPS mobile app. You will also not be able to receive notifications or alerts from the app. Therefore, it is advisable to keep your phone charged and with you when walking your dog, or to have another device that can access the tractive web app in case of emergency.

If you use a petfon to walk your dog, things can get even more complicated. Besides the need to carry your phone and make sure it is charged like tractive, you also need to carry the Petfon tracker and controller and make sure they are charged, and sometimes you need to carry the charging bin. And you need to keep all the devices within a certain range of each other and your dog for the system to work properly.

Products that make walking your dog more complicated are not popular with everyone.


 If your phone runs out of battery, you will not be able to use the petfon app, You will also not be able to receive notifications or alerts from the app, such as when your dog leaves a safe zone or when the tracker's battery is low. Therefore, it is advisable to keep your phone charged and with you when walking your dog, or to have another device that can access the petfon app in case of emergency.

If you use Aorkuler, you don't have to think about whether your phone is carrying it and whether it is charged, because Aorkuler can do it alone throughout the tracking and use process, without the need to show location distance or other useful data through the phone's app. Compared to Petfon, that's much easier.


Finally, when walking your dog, it would be great to use the LIVE mode, as the dog's location and direction will be promptly

The LIVE mode of the tractive dog gps tracker is a feature that allows you to see your dog's location in real time, with position updates every few seconds. However, there are some problems and disadvantages with using this mode when walking your dog, such as:

Fast power consumption. According to Tractive, the battery has a 7-day life span. However, the use of LIVE mode causes the tracker to ping the app far more often than normal, which expends the battery faster, leading to a shorter charge time. The battery life of the tractive dog gps tracker depends on several factors, such as the network coverage, the GPS availability, the temperature, and the tracking mode. The However, if you use the LIVE mode to track your dog in real time, the battery will drain faster due to the frequent position updates. Tractive recommends having at least 10% battery life before starting a LIVE tracking session. One review suggests limiting the use of LIVE mode to instances when your dog is missing or out of sight.

If you use Aorkuler, you won't have to worry about that either. Unlike Tractive and Petfon, which only offer a small amount of time to use LIVE mode, Aorkuler is inherently LIVE mode, supporting at least 8 hours of continuous LIVE tracking.



  • Posted on by Maruf Husin

    I have used the Petfon tracker, and it has the advantage of being usable in areas with no cellular signal, which allows me to overcome the limitations of relying on cellular coverage. However, one aspect I don’t like about it is its dependency on a phone app for usage. It makes me uncomfortable having to carry three devices simultaneously – the phone for tracking, the tracker’s receiver in hand, and the tracker itself. Additionally, I have noticed that its actual transmission range is lower than what is advertised.

    After reading about the Aorkuler tracker’s features, I am particularly impressed with its electronic compass design, which would be a valuable advantage for outdoor use. Before making a decision to purchase, I would like to inquire if there are any ongoing promotions or discounts available. Thank you.

  • Posted on by Maruf Husin

    I have used the Petfon tracker, and it has the advantage of being usable in areas with no cellular signal, which allows me to overcome the limitations of relying on cellular coverage. However, one aspect I don’t like about it is its dependency on a phone app for usage. It makes me uncomfortable having to carry three devices simultaneously – the phone for tracking, the tracker’s receiver in hand, and the tracker itself. Additionally, I have noticed that its actual transmission range is lower than what is advertised.

    After reading about the Aorkuler tracker’s features, I am particularly impressed with its electronic compass design, which would be a valuable advantage for outdoor use. Before making a decision to purchase, I would like to inquire if there are any ongoing promotions or discounts available. Thank you.

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