How to find your lost pet with microchip and GPS tracker?


If your pet has gotten lost, you may feel very anxious and helpless. Fortunately, there are technologies that can help you find your pet faster, such as microchips and GPS trackers. These devices allow you to know your pet's location and identity, thus increasing your chances of being reunited with them. This article will describe how to use microchips and GPS trackers to locate lost pets, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.


What is a microchip?

A microchip is a small electronic device that can be implanted under the skin of a pet. It contains a unique ID number that can be read by a scanner. This ID number can be associated with the pet owner's contact information in a registry to help locate the lost pet. The microchip can also store some of the pet's health information, such as vaccination and surgery records.


The advantages of microchips are:

- Microchips are small, only the size of a grain of rice, and do not cause discomfort to pets.
- Microchips are durable and can last up to 25 years, enough to cover your pet's lifetime.


The disadvantages of microchips are:

- Microchips do not provide real-time tracking and can only be scanned after a dog is lost and then taken in by a pet station.
- Microchips need to update registration information in a timely manner or the shelter may not be able to contact the owner.
- Microchips may not be compatible with some scanners, making them unrecognizable.

What is a GPS tracker?

A GPS tracker is a device that sends and receives GPS signals and can be placed on or built into a pet's collar. It allows owners to view their pet's real-time location via a cell phone app or handheld tracker.


The benefits of GPS trackers are:

- GPS trackers can provide quasi-real-time/real-time tracking, allowing owners to know their pet's location anytime, anywhere.
- GPS trackers can provide other information to help owners keep an eye on their pets' health and safety.


Disadvantages of GPS trackers are:

- GPS trackers require regular charging or battery replacement or they may fail.
- GPS trackers that rely on cellular networks can only work in areas with good cellular signal.
- GPS tracker positioning accuracy is easily affected by the environment.

How do I use a microchip and GPS tracker?

If you want to have a microchip or GPS tracker fitted to your pet, you will need to do several things:

1. Have your veterinarian implant your pet with a microchip.
2. Obtain an activation code or ID number and register your device in the appropriate registration form. Enter your name, contact information, pet information, etc., and keep it updated with any changes.
3. Choose a suitable GPS tracker for your pet based on the cell phone signal in the area where you and your pet live and move around.
4. test your device to see if it is working properly and check the battery level regularly

If you have fitted your pet with a microchip or GPS tracker and find that your pet is lost, there are several things you need to do:

1. Do not panic, stay calm and act as quickly as possible. Notify family, friends, neighbors, community organizations, etc. and ask them to help find your pet.
2. Use a cell phone app or handheld tracker to see if your GPS tracker can show your pet's location. If it can be located, try to approach and call your pet. If it cannot be located, check the device for power or signal problems.
3. Contact nearby veterinary clinics and animal shelters and ask them if anyone has brought in an animal that matches your lost pet.


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